Nieuwe Reisregels maken komaf with kleurcodes | Overleg Committee

Het Overlegcomité voert new rules in voor irritants. Because of this, there was no long-term investigation of the corona situation in the country of Herkomst, but the grandchildren had vaccine, manufacturing, or test status from the individual.


Latest update:
11-02-22, 18:38

Lees everything about the Overlegcomité en de taken beslissingen in our dossier

Irritably, the onsland inland commend vanaf and the following week we want to be sent over a money vaccine, test of manufacturing certificate. That applies to both EU and Schengen countries as well as the United Kingdom, the VS of Japan. Maar mensen the uit een derde Land come and not gevaccineerd zijn, we can grandchildren nog het land in front of an essential rice. Zij raise dan a recent production certificate of negatief testresultaat nodig.

Het vaccinatiecertificaat for irritants is 270 days valid as het om de basic vaccination gaat. For how all booster vaccines are created, the amount of money is taken into account.

The test certificate is valid 24 hours a day as used in accordance with a quick anti-gene test. PCR testing for 72 hours.

The Ministers of Volksgezondheid lifted up tot slot de opdracht om de tests and quarantine rules for irritants in their own country te vereenvoudigen. Federal Minister Frank Vandenbroucke hopes that next week there will be discussions in the interministeriële conferentie, when there is a loop in the Overleg Committee.

Lees ok: OVERWAIVE. Code oranje vanaf the following week before April: which rules of procedure do they apply to?



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