News | Rifkin’s Festival

*** (Three stars)

Went back Woody Allen, with a film that is two years old and that is a friendly humor about the universe of film festivals and of the cinema itself.

We can not say that it is a bad movie (Allen has really lousy movies and he also has masterpieces; let’s avoid pointing them out so as not to antagonize anyone) because there is a pleasure in filming and recording a beautiful place that provides an epicurean air to the production.

We can’t say it’s a good movie either. because many of his ironies about the universe of stars and festivals are not only repeated: they are also false. As Louis B. Mayer once said: bring us new clichés.

The important thing in any case is that this great comedian, always secondary in American cinema, called Wallace Shawn, has a leading role and knows how to take advantage of it (he is, as all the protagonists of Woody Allen’s films tend to be, an avatar of Woody and Allen).

The rest, light as a feather, sweet as a flake of sugar, and nutritious as the air.

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