New version of Childcare protocol (24 December 2021) | news item

News item | 24-12-2021 | 10:52

A new version of the Childcare and corona protocol will be available from Friday 24 December 2021.

The main changes to the protocol are:

  • The quarantine policy no longer distinguishes between immunity. All roommates (category 1) or close contacts (category 2) of someone who tests positive for corona will be quarantined. (Close) contacts within childcare (or at school) are not covered by this. A child or employee does not have to be quarantined, unless the GGD indicates otherwise. This does apply to close contacts in the private sphere, so also if a child has (close) contact with a child who has tested positive outside the childcare facility.
  • For people who test positive for corona, but are asymptomatic, the isolation period has been extended from 5 to 7 days.

This stems from the amended protocol source and contact investigation (BCO) of the RIVM following the 134e advice from the OMT:

Protocol source and contact investigation COVID-19 | LCI guidelines (
VWS advice on the basis of OMT 134 with adjustment | Letter |

The Childcare and Covid-19 protocol serves as a guideline for the childcare sector when working in times of COVID-19 and is a translation of the guidelines of the RIVM to the specific situation of childcare. The link to the protocol does not change and the effective date of the current protocol will always be stated with the protocol.


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