Negotiations between the Russian Federation and the United States will start, despite the absurdity

Sergei Lavrov arrived in Geneva in the evening in good spirits, in the mood for a productive dialogue with his American counterpart. The streets were cordoned off in advance, and only a strong cold wind and policemen walked along them, completely empty. Sirens could be heard approaching in the distance. Security measures have been stepped up compared to last time.

The motorcade of the Russian delegation arrives at the place where they will negotiate. Inside, everything is ready for the meeting, concrete blocks and barriers have been placed outside. The press is kept at a distance this time.

Nothing and no one should prevent a representative group of guests from Russia from settling down and relaxing after the journey.

On the tables in the room where the meeting will take place, bouquets of lilacs and orchids are prepared. In the middle are the flags of the two countries. According to the plan, the talks will last about an hour and a half. What they will talk about is now the main question. The promised written American response to the Russian proposals, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is not lucky in Geneva.

“The United States, together with its allies, is now considering several ways out of the crisis that Russia has created with its actions. The first way is through diplomacy and dialogue, where we all together, together, try to solve security problems in Europe. Another way is if Moscow chooses him, this is a confrontation with consequences, huge consequences for Russia,” Blinken said.

Out of habit accusing Russia of escalating the situation, the United States continues pump up Ukraine with weapons. According to The Wall Street Journal, five military transport helicopters will be sent there, but most importantly, Washington has allowed the three Baltic countries to sell Javelin and Stinger anti-tank and anti-aircraft missile systems to Kiev.

Joe Biden, apparently due to his age, is confused in his testimony: either he claims that Russian soldiers have already invaded Ukraine, now that they are about to enter. The day before he said that the US response would be restrained, today he is already prophesying disastrous consequences.

“If any, any organized Russian units cross the border into Ukraine, this will be an invasion. And I have no doubt that if Putin does choose to invade, then Russia will pay a very high price for it,” the American president said.

Economic sanctions, a blow to the banking sector, the announcement of Russia as a sponsor of terrorism. The further – the more absurd, but despite this, the second round of Russian-American negotiations still starts in Geneva.



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