Named the price of the future family crossover Lada

price on a seven-seater Bigster from Dacia-Lada was named by CEO Denis Le Vot, who in January 2021 showed first image of the future Niva. He stressed that the advantage for Dacia-Lada is the offer of attractive cars at affordable prices. And this advantage, according to him, must be maintained.

How? The answer lies in the details. For example, in car seats: they are in Dacia-Lada comfortable, but without electrical adjustments weigh less than competitors. And there are many such details, Le Vot stressed.

Air conditioning is an option that all customers require, which is why the company offers it. But there are excesses that can be abandoned for the sake of economy. What you can refuse it’s expensive technology transport electrification.

In the UK, sales of the predecessor will soon start new generation Lada Largus – Dacia Jogger. The weight of this machine is 20% less than competitors in the market, and the environmental friendliness is 10% better. The machines are equipped with gasoline or biofuel engines. These models with six airbags are sold from 15 to 15.75 thousand euros. Air conditioning is optional, for its installation you have to pay 900 euros, for the color “metallic” – another 500. In Russia, the basic modification with a five-seater or seven-seater saloon will start at a price of 813 thousand.

The seven-seater Bigster will hit the market in 2023. It will also be lighter than competitors and will not be stuffed unnecessary options. According to Denis Le Vot, this will keep the price down to 40,000 euros. This is less than 3.5 million rubles. It will be cheaper by a third than the Tiguan. Here is such a savings.



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