MV Agusta Lucky Explorer, boom in orders for the Elefant heirs

A few months after Eicma, the Lucky Explorer-mania literally broke out: the heirs of the legendary Cagiva Elefant have already collected 15,000 orders, triple the 2021 production of MV Agusta. And Schiranna is aiming for a listing on the stock exchange

That the Lucky Explorer project would awaken the dormant desires of fans was quite predictable. But such an overwhelming success also in numerical terms was anything but taken for granted, especially in the light of the current times. On the other hand, the new MV Agusta 5.5 and 9.5, the two adventures with which the Schiranna brand has thrown itself headlong into the road enduro segment, are already hoarding orders, so much so as to force the Varese manufacturer to develop strategies to cope with the wave of requests.


15,000 pre-orders collected by MV in the first weeks for the two maxi-enduros, spiritual heirs of the legendary Cagiva Elefant of the Eighties and Nineties. This was declared by the CEO of the Italian brand, Timur Sardarov, in an interview with Sole 24 Ore: “The new Lucky Explorers that will be built here in Varese have already received pre-orders for 15,000 units: in practice, two years of work. For all our models the market in general is receptive, we are seeing a great interest from customers. And once the obstacles of the pandemic and the constraints on the supply chain have been overcome, we will be able to significantly raise our production levels “. “The goal in 2025 is to bring Mv Agusta on the stock exchange” he continued “A company with 350 million revenues, with an Ebitda of at least 50 million and a shareholding structure that will also involve employees: here I found an ethics of important work. I see a great passion and a strong commitment, even beyond my expectations “.


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