Mud Jeans launches children’s collection

my old text
Image: Mud Jeans Store

Denim brand Mud Jeans is launching a children’s collection. The line was presented last Sunday at the Sunday School children’s fashion fair in Maarssen, the Netherlands.

The line is aimed at boys and girls aged 4 to 16, according to a FashionUnited representative. Recycled and organic cotton is used for the collection. The items are produced in a fair way in a transparent production chain and without toxic chemicals. The Mud Jeans Kids range also includes NOS items.

Mud Jeans was founded in 2012 by Bert van Son. He decided to delve into jeans as they are one of the fashion industry’s most polluting products. Also, more than 2 billion jeans are sold worldwide every year, so recycling jeans and using organic cotton can have a significant impact on the pollution in the fashion industry.

This translated post previously appeared on

Continue reading:

  • Never-out-of-stock – why constantly available collections are ideal for the sustainable denim label Mud Jeans
  • A post-corona concept for retailers? Mud Jeans is testing retail clothing rentals
  • Ikea recycles mud jeans for sofa covers
  • How does a pair of jeans affect the environment? Mud Jeans shows how it’s done


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