MR no longer wants freedoms to be skimped on | Inland

The MR argued on Sunday for a strengthening of freedoms in the Constitution but also in the legislative apparatus. In the eyes of the French-speaking liberals, freedom and privacy are being tested too hard in favor of other issues, such as the fight against terrorism, the health crisis or the fight against tax fraud.

“For 20 years, freedom and privacy have been regularly questioned on important issues considered to be superior: the fight against terrorism, the fight against tax fraud, the fight against financial abuse, the fight against a health obstacle today and tomorrow the fight for the climate.

As a liberal party, we cannot accept this situation. Fundamental rights and freedoms must remain our compass, the most important unsurpassed framework, regardless of the situation in society,” said MR President Georges-Louis Bouchez during the “hybrid New Year’s wishes” via videoconference from Mons.

Legislative review

In the institutional debate before us, the MR wants to strengthen Title II of the Constitution, which includes the rights and freedoms of citizens. Bouchez also requested an evaluation of the legislation in several cases regarding the proportionality of the measures they contain. If necessary, these laws can be reformed or even repealed.

The coronavirus has underlined the importance of this theme. “We must keep intact our desire to regain our freedoms as soon as possible,” said Deputy Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès.


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