Moto2: Italtrans Racing Team presents the 2022 team

Italtrans Racing Team, the Italian team engaged in the intermediate class of the MotoGP World Championship, unveiled in live streaming on the official social media channels

The Italtrans Racing Team from Bergamo inaugurates the 2022 season by officially presenting the team involved in the Moto2 world championship. The new liveries of the bikes of the reconfirmed Lorenzo Dalla Porta and Joe Roberts were unveiled during the event published online on the Italtrans Racing Team social channels and conducted by the journalist Sandro Donato Grosso. Commitment, passion and desire for adventure punctuate the 13 years of participation in the intermediate class of the Italtrans Racing Team. Next week the drivers will take to the track in Valencia to face two intense days of private tests and, subsequently, in Portimao for the official Irta tests before the great start of the season scheduled, as usual, in Qatar.

The pilots

In his third season with Italtrans, the Tuscan driver is ready to explode all his talent in the name of redemption and “rehabilitation” for a truly unfortunate 2021. A year started well, but “interrupted” by the injury to the left shoulder and the subsequent surgery. These are the words of Lorenzo Dalla Porta: “The new livery is beautiful and captivating, a big step forward has been made with the graphics. We are all very motivated for this 2022, we will show our potential and satisfaction will come. I feel fit, I have been working all winter on the shoulder, with physiotherapy and specific training; there is a bit of stamina but I’m continuing to work and I’ll arrive in Qatar ready. We are motivated and energized to do well. ” Second year for Joe Roberts with the Bergamo team. After a 2021 marked by ups and downs, the Malibu rider is aware of the mistakes he made and is willing to confirm his potential thanks to the experience gained and the constant growth path. Joe Roberts, on the sidelines of the presentation, said: “I am very motivated for the start of the new season and I can’t wait to get on track next week for the first tests. It was great to be able to participate in the presentation of the 2022 team. and see everyone again after the winter break. We are focused on doing well and are aware that we can have a good season. “


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