More than 60% of Russians who promised to eat right gave up at the end of January

So, half of the respondents complained about the lack of a diet: 30% admitted that they eat intuitively (without a regimen and rules), and 20% said that they only have time to have breakfast and a light snack during the day. The second half of the respondents indicated that they eat two to four times a day and do not experience problems with regularity.

Of the 35% of those who managed to adhere to proper nutrition, 25% noted that the secret of their success in the gradual rejection of certain types of “junk food”. The remaining 10% did it with ease, although previously they could not imagine their lives without these products.

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Most often, Russians sought to exclude fast food, sweets (sweets, chocolate and candies), pastries (puffs, pies), snacks (chips, popcorn, crackers and salted nuts) and alcoholic beverages from their diet. However, in January, 16% of respondents could not exclude any junk food from their diet, less than a third (28%) of respondents stopped eating fast food. 28% of respondents were able to give up sweets, and, according to the majority of them (88%), this was the most difficult test.

Where in Russia lives the most and least of all zozhnikov. infographics

Petersburgers (80%) and Muscovites (70%) most often broke New Year’s resolutions. In addition to them, the majority of residents of Kazan (68%), Novosibirsk (64%) and Yekaterinburg (63%) did not keep their word. certain types of junk food. The remaining 10% did it with ease, although previously they could not imagine their lives without these products.

According to a SuperJob survey, Russians most often promise themselves for the New Year to study and read more – 30% of respondents. In second place in popularity is the promise to pay more attention to loved ones, it is given by 27% of respondents. Next comes the desire to improve personal life (26%). Other common promises include: going in for sports (25%), changing the place of residence and devoting more time to your hobby (23% each), changing your outlook, attitudes towards life and others (20%). 18% of the study participants promise to learn a foreign language and do repairs.


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