‘More cooperation can lift Veenhuizen to greater heights’

A costly renovation, an external depot for the collection and more cooperation with everything Veenhuizen has to offer. Brand new museum director Friso Visser has set himself a major assignment. The Prison Museum in Veenhuizen must take steps in the coming years, with the Experimental Colony in Frederiksoord in its wake.

Visser has now spent more than three months in Veenhuizen and Frederiksoord. The summer period – which is usually accompanied by many visitors to the Prison Museum – is almost over. “We have been less busy than in previous summers,” says Visser. “That also has to do with the time locks. We have been working with that since ‘corona’.”

600 square meters extra

The flow of visitors was already a point under director Peter Sluiter. Veenhuizen and Frederiksoord are well liked by tourists and the entry into the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2021 will only reinforce that. In Veenhuizen there are therefore advanced plans for expanding the museum.

The intention is to restore the square shape of the old prison and to build a part of it as a museum. “It concerns 600 square meters of extra exhibition space,” says Visser. “That’s a lot for our museum.”

The expansion does not completely bring the ‘old form’ back. “Restoring the square shape completely costs too much money,” says Visser.

Lots of money

The expansion enables the Prison Museum to tell the story of the prison system and the penal colony of Veenhuizen separately. The entrance to the museum will soon be on the east side.

The renovation will cost more than 3.3 million euros. “A lot of money”, Visser realizes. “De Nieuwe Rentmeester (since last year owner of the majority of the properties in Veenhuizen, ed.) has to realize this. We have been able to save some money ourselves in recent years. In addition, there is money from the Vriendenloterij, the province of Drenthe and the municipality. Noordenveld, which brings us to about 78 percent of the total construction costs.”

Two months

Then there is still more than 7 tons left. Visser: “Yesterday I wrote to five funds to arrange cover for the last money. I think we have a good chance, although funds are not having an easy time at the moment. Many applications are coming in. But we have – we think – a good plan and, moreover, a lot of money has already been raised myself, so I see it coming.”

Visser expects to have a definitive answer about the funds within 2 months. “If all is well, we can work on the permit application.”

Depot and volunteers

The Prison Museum is also looking at an external depot. “We have 80,000 objects in our collection. The story behind those objects is interesting and contributes to the story we tell. In order to properly store all those objects, a depot is important. You could possibly share it with several cultural institutions.”

Furthermore, recruiting volunteers is a point of attention. “We are dealing with an aging population, as is the case with many organizations. Without our volunteers, the museum will come to a standstill. New growth needs permanent attention.”


Visser is not afraid to look outside the (prison) gates. “I would like it if Veenhuizen were able to bring the different ‘products’ closer together. We have many cycling tours, activities and institutions that organize something here. Ideally, they come together, we put them on one menu so that visitors immediately see what there is to do where and what they can choose from.”

So working together, preferably with the whole of Veenhuizen. “If you work together, you achieve a higher flying height. The Prison Museum is of course the most important to me, but we are Veenhuizen together. Then I think you should also broaden it.”
