Mixed reactions to easing: ‘Good quality to keep your distance’

The Netherlands will continue to relax: from February 25, among other things, the mouth cap obligation will expire and you no longer have to keep 1.5 meters away. But is that a good idea? RTV Drenthe took to the streets to gauge opinion.

There were different reactions to the relaxation on the street. “I’m done with it in that regard. I have been vaccinated, boosted and I still have to wear a mouth cap,” says a passer-by on Koopmansplein in Assen.

Another indicates that she has now become accustomed to the current situation, but: “I am looking forward to being able to do everything again, without having to think about whether it is allowed.”

‘I’ll keep the mouth cap with me’

An older couple will not miss the measures and is especially happy that the mouth cap can be removed again. “I’m always a bit stuffy with it indoors and your glasses always fog up. Still, I do keep them with me, for indoor spaces where it’s very busy.”

However, not everyone thinks that way. “No, absolutely not. I’m not going to use it if it’s no longer necessary.” And what about the one and a half meter rule? One person was happy with that. “I think it’s a good quality to keep your distance.”


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