Minister of Volksgezondheid Frank Vandenbroucke starts aan ‘operation ziekenhuizen’

Vandenbroucke will also be more specialized in the Ziekenhuizen, such as for beroertezorg, and in future there will be a number of mothers. In Tegen 2023, the minister will make the above-board ziekenhuisovernachtingen, net of the above-board scans. Hij will de ziekenhuizen straight avenues still vergoeden voor een gemiddeld aantal scans dat aansluit bij de grootte van het ziekenhuis, en not meer per uitgevoerde scan.

From 2024 he will also have effective ceilings on the erelons, which can be proposed. The general herciening of artsenlonen is for 2025. Arten, who works with small apparatuses, has now been given a pack of more betaald than pack way geriaters of pediatricians, but that will vandenbroucke helemaal herbekijken.

Tegen 2024 wil Vandenbroucke also afspraken over vaste bedragen per ingreep. Then everything must be included, including scans and genealogy. The budgets for technical installations, such as MRI scanners, have also been included in the right tree on the Ziekenhuizen site, not on the other side of the road from Erelonen.


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