Milan, Bailly the anti-star: ‘I’m normal, it’s my job to be exceptional’

From the school he left at 13 with his father’s permission to the first transfer to Espanyol which vanished due to the civil war, here is who is the Ivorian central of United who could soon close with Milan

Every time he takes a plane a smile escapes him, he is no longer afraid. Before, yes. And to understand this, a zoom on his past is enough. Instead of the DeLorean, a flight to Burkina Faso. Eric Bailly is 16 and lives with his family in a log cabin in the Ivory Coast, in the suburb of Bingerville. The United central is still a kid. He dropped out of school three years earlier to become a footballer, despite dad’s doubts. “Are you sure?”. “Yup”. “So go”.


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