Mediaset will have to compensate a dentist for relating him to María José Campanario

New judicial blow to Mediaset. The Supreme Court has sentenced Mediaset Y The TV Factoryproducer of formats such as ‘Sálvame’, to compensate 50,000 euros to a dental professional who was romantically linked with Mary Joseph Campanariobullfighter’s wife Jesusin of Ubrique, considering that they violated the right to honor, privacy and the image of this person.

“In this issue the chain limited itself to inserting images of my client obtained from his Facebook profile, while insinuating an infidelity, even publishing telephone conversations that the chain recorded without consent & rdquor ;, affirms the defense of the complainant in statements collected by Confilegal portal.

The legal battle began in 2020 when the Investigating Court number 3 of Blanes (Girona) set a compensation of 150,000 euros for damages caused by infringement of the right to honor, personal privacy and own image. Subsequently, the Provincial Court of Girona accepted the resources of Mediaset and La Fábrica de la Tele, lowering the amount of the solidarity payment to 5,000 euros.

Apart from this judicial process, María José Campanario also filed a lawsuit on this matter, but her procedure, which is being followed in Arcos de la Frontera, is still ongoing and in the first instance.

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It should be remembered that last January, Mediaset was also sentenced to pay a fine of 180,000 euros to Mary Joseph Campanario Y Jesulin of Ubrique for violating their right to honor and privacy.

In this case, the events occurred in January 2019 when ‘Sálvame’ assured that Jesulín and Campanario had broken up. The news was advanced by the reporter Jose Antonio Leon and fed content to the program during the following days. What’s more, Diego Arrabalpaparazzi of ‘Viva la vida’, announced an alleged infidelity of the bullfighter with a Telecinco presenter.


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