Meat Loaf is said to have died as a result of Corona

Meat Loaf’s death raises many questions among fans. The 74-year-old recently announced that he would record new music in January, and he died on January 20 surrounded by his wife and daughters. There is still no official statement on the cause of death, but the US site “TMZ” reports that Meat Loaf fell ill with Corona shortly before his death and therefore had to cancel a business meal. The musician reportedly wanted to chat with producers earlier this week about a new show called I’d Do Anything for Love. The health of Michael Lee Aday, as Meat Loaf’s real name was, is said to have deteriorated dramatically.

Did Meat Loaf die as a result of Corona?

The family has not yet confirmed the reports. It is also not clear whether Meat Loaf was vaccinated against the corona virus. However, earlier statements by the artist suggest that he was skeptical about vaccination against the virus. According to the US side, he recently spoke critically about the restrictions in Australia and last August he told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette newspaper that he could not approve of wearing masks. “CNN came out last night that the masks we all wear are useless. But I’ve known that for six months. They’re just a nuisance, it makes your nose itchy and makes it hard to breathe.”

His interview partner then replied that humanity is “controlled”, to which the artist replied: “Yes, I know. But not me. When I die, I die, but I am not being controlled.” At the beginning of the corona pandemic, it sounded different. At that time, according to “The Sun”, he made an appeal to his fans: “We all have to stick together and fight the outbreak of the deadly virus. So please consider how you can protect yourself and those around you.”

The family has yet to comment on the rumours

Meat Loaf’s family has only publicly stated: “We know how much he has meant to many of you and we truly appreciate all of the love and support as we navigate this time of loss of an inspiring artist and wonderful man mourn.”


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