Mayor Valkenburg: ‘No reason to panic high water’ | 1Limburg

The water level in the Geul is high on Monday morning, but there is no reason to panic. That is what mayor Daan Prevoo says in the Nieuwsshow on L1 Radio.

“We are vigilant, we are alert all night to see what the water is doing. A lot of water has fallen, but the security region is keeping a close eye on everything. We learn from this that there is a lot of unrest among residents in the municipality,” said Mayor Daan Prevoo.

Also read: High water in the Geul: peak flows towards Valkenburg

No reason to panic
The high water does not seem to cause (much) nuisance for the time being, not even in Valkenburg. But the floods of last summer are still fresh in the minds of many people. “It looks like a solid, wintery amount of water that normally occurs. No need to panic, it is nothing compared to last summer’s flooding.” However, the mayor emphasizes that it is possible that some people may still be inconvenienced.

For example, part of a meadow at Kasteel Oost care farm in Valkenburg was flooded. The animals have been evacuated to a higher ground.

‘Sleepless night’
The mayor had a sleepless night due to the high water. “Then you will be put back in that situation of July 14. If it happens to me, it will of course also happen to all the people affected from last summer.”

Residents of Valkenburg who want to ask questions or need sandbags as a result of the high water can call 14043.


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