Maneuver: how citizenship income changes, from the refusal of the job offer to checks

Citizenship income revised and corrected, in the hope of putting a stop to the cases of people who receive the subsidy in the electronic payment card without having the slightest right. Among the measures entered into the budget law 2022 of 36.5 billion euros, which on December 30 obtained the definitive go-ahead of the Chamber, promulgated by the Head of State, and which will enter into force from January 1, 2022, there is in fact also an restyling of the measure introduced by the Conte Uno government (Dl 4/2019) to combat poverty. The line along which the changes develop is that of a squeeze.

At the debut decalage and revocation

In case of refusal of a suitable job offer, click a monthly decalage of 5 euros for each month starting from the month following the one in which a suitable offer has been refused. To the second refusal, the subsidy will be revoked (today this happens at the third refusal). Furthermore, due to the fairness of the first offer, it is reduced from 100 to 80 km la maximum distance from the beneficiary’s residence (in any case reachable within 100 minutes), while the second can be placed anywhere in Italy (see also Il Sole 24 Ore of 24 December).

There comes the obligation of periodic participation in activities e face-to-face interviews (at least once a month): for unjustified absence, the subsidy is lost. The assessment and not only the recognition of the benefit, as currently envisaged, by INPS, must take place by the end of the month following the transmission of the application to the Institute. Not only that: one must be put in place connection procedure between INPS, Municipalities and the national registry of the resident population, which allows to cross-reference the data available to each entity in the phase of verification of applications for access to the benefit.

Within three months of the entry into force of the 2022 Budget Law, INPS sends the list of beneficiaries of the DRC to the Ministry of Justice, for the verification of the persons who have already been convicted with a final judgment less than ten years ago. In these situations, the revocation of income support is triggered (the list of crimes that invalidate the benefit is expanded).

The refinancing of citizenship income

Let’s start with the budget. With one billion in additional funding for citizenship income, the total dowry in 2022 amounts to just under 8.8 billion. The 2022 Budget Law, in particular, provides for a refinancing over several years of this income support measure: € 1,065.3 million for the year 2022, € 1,064.9 million for the year 2023, 1,064.4 million euros for the year 2024, 1,063.5 million euros a year for the year 2025, 1,062.8 million euros for the year 2026, 1,062.3 million euros for the year 2027, 1,061.5 million euros for the year 2028, 1,061.7 million euros per year starting from the year 2029.


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