Maneuver, Federmanager: amendment to the salary ceiling to protect economic development

The amendment of the maneuver on the salary ceiling of the Public Administration approved in the Senate, which provides for the application of the increases envisaged by the contractual renewals also for the top management of the public administration, is a solution that protects the managerial skills and guarantees the economic growth expected on the thrust of the Pnrr. This is what the president of Federmanager Stefano Cuzzilla highlighted. The threshold set in 2014 at 240 thousand euros in particular, as anticipated by Il Sole 24 Ore, may be revised upwards by adapting to the increases envisaged by the contractual renewals.

Cuzzilla (Federmanager): collective bargaining is once again the protagonist of wage choices

According to Cuzzilla, “the ceiling of 240 thousand euros is the consequence of a cultural heritage that has taken up more and more space and that does not value the skills, merit and responsibilities and that has cascaded onto all managers of the public administration and subsidiaries. Finally now, with this amendment, it will be collective bargaining that will once again become the protagonist of the rules of remuneration, as happens in private companies that look to the role, skills and results achieved “. Federmanager’s number one also stressed that “new areas of interest are also opening up in the public administration, including for our young talents, who will be able to see in it professional growth prospects with adequate remuneration, avoiding looking for better opportunities abroad, after major investments by families and the country for training ».

“In view of the implementation of the Pnrr, it is essential to have trained and competent managers”

«This amendment – concluded Cuzzilla – is therefore a very important goal that protects our managerial assets and all the efforts made in recent years by companies to increase managerial skills. In the light of the funds of the NRP (National Recovery and Resilience Plan, ed) that will soon reach public companies, it is essential to have trained and competent managers who are able to manage economic resources adequately “.


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