Man trapped! 40 people lift the BVG bus

By Ole Kröning and Timo Beurich

What a great team! In order to save a young man, around 40 people heaved 16.5 tons of BVG bus into the air in a heroic effort on Monday. The 18-year-old had his arm caught under an articulated bus on line 135.

It was a woman’s cries for help at the Klosterstrasse bus stop that alerted passengers, the bus driver (50), doctors and nurses from the Spandau surgical center at 12.40 p.m. She had seen a young man stumble while leaving the clinic and fall over on the bus heading towards Ruhlebener Strasse. According to eyewitnesses, he fell face down on the asphalt and got under the center axle. His arm was caught between the tire and the body!

Operating room nurse Nicole (43), who also rushed to help with 25 hospital employees, describes what happened next: “Everyone reacted immediately, the bus driver stopped, the passengers came out and helped.” With combined forces, they raised their right hand The side of the Mercedes-Benz Citaro G 628 rose so high that the 16.5-ton bus leaned to the side. According to a police spokeswoman, they moved the entire vehicle by 20 centimeters. Other helpers were then able to free the 18-year-old from the life-threatening situation.

The doctors and nurses immediately provided first aid and gave the injured person an infusion of saline solution and painkillers. “We really wanted to prevent him from losing consciousness,” said the operating room nurse. The young man later told the helpers that after leaving the clinic he felt dizzy and his legs gave out.

Before the emergency doctor and paramedics took him to the hospital, his smartphone rang. “Mama” glowed on the display, which had been shattered by the accident. A doctor answered and was able to assure her that her boy was doing well under the circumstances. According to police, he suffered arm injuries, bruises and abrasions in the accident.

The BVG is also grateful for the mild outcome and the great performance of the many helpers. “We would like to thank everyone who helped on site and the rescue workers for their efforts,” said spokesman Jannes Schwentu. And further: “We wish the young man a speedy and complete recovery.”
