Lukashenka did not expect this from the “headless” Zelensky

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko gave an exclusive interview for the program “Soloviev Live” on the radio “Vesti FM” and platform “Looking”.

In it, the Belarusian leader spoke about many topical issues. In particular, he commented on the President’s statement Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky about what is near their border no large concentration of Russian troops.

Lukashenka doubted that Kiev itself makes decisions. He noted that “special services also work well” in Belarus.

“We know very well that they are being pushed into this. And even the headless Zelensky (although I did not expect him to behave like this) has already started shouting: “No, no, there will be no war, there will be no war,” and so on,” Lukashenka said.

According to him, “they are already trying to drive him into a stall, so that he would say that there will be a war, we will attack and so on.”

At the same time, the President of Belarus believes that there is a danger that “they will take very serious actions in the direction of Donetsk and Luhansk.”

Lukashenka also assured that in the event of the outbreak of hostilities by Ukraine Belarus will be with Russia.

The full version of the interview with the President of Belarus will be aired on the Rossiya 1 TV channel and on the Watch media platform.


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