Luis D’Elia: “A poor person who votes for the PRO is worse than one who uses drugs”

“What about Soledad Acuna It is an opinion far removed from the pedagogical, and from a deep contempt that borders on xenophobic, even associates the world of poverty with evil, what the minister said is horrible, “he said Louis D’Elia, the former teacher who directs the Federation of Land, Housing and Habitat, belonging to the CTA.

“Acuña has a profound ignorance of the things that are woven in the world of the poor, full of solidarity, of common work, full of initiative that tends to rebuild the human person, it seems miserable to me, and unworthy coming from a minister”, he added about the sayings of Soledad Acuna.

The Buenos Aires Minister of Education was the object of multiple reviews by the ruling party after affirming that some of the students who dropped out of school during the pandemic are today “lost in the hallway of a villa“.

“Let’s say things as they are: in CABA we recover 98% of the boys who had lost ties with their school during the first year of the pandemic. Where do you think the boys from the most neglected neighborhoods of the Conurbano were while the schools were closed for almost two years?

and was disowned by Jaime Perczyk: “the educational system has to give a new possibility”, replied the Minister of Education of the Nation. “I believe that it’s never too late for guys, for the girls, not even for the adults”, he maintained in dialogue with Radio Continental. “If we want to build a democratic country with everyone inside, there always has to be another opportunity.

Acuña was also in the sights of INADI. “Show your elitist ideological prejudices and contempt for public affairs in general,” said the body led by Victoria Donda. “It implies serious institutional damage that Minister Soledad Acuña has addressed the recipient population of her policies in a discriminatory manner. Even more so in the case of minors from historically vulnerable groups,” added the agency’s statement.

“The oppressed imitates the conduct of the oppressor, which degrades and corrodes in terms of dignity. It is not the practice of marginality, like alcohol and drugs, that rots a poor person. But to associate with the people who humiliate and degrade them. Its alot worse a poor person who votes for the PRO than one who consumes drugs”, added Luis D’Elía, who recalled the sayings of Maria Eugenia Vidal during the campaign for Buenos Aires deputy.

Vidal said in August that it was not the same “to smoke a joint in Palermo as it was on 1-11-14.” “There are two very different realities: It’s one thing to smoke a joint in Palermo and another to live on 21-24, in Zabaleta, on 1-11-14, surrounded by drug traffickers who offer you,” Vidal said in an interview with Filo.News.

“They are two completely different paths. These situations can mean a night with friends, relaxed, or with your partner, and the other a future without opportunities, without going to school or having left it,” Vidal said in concordance with Soledad Acuña.

by RN

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