Loes Van den Heuvel in De Buurtpolitie: “Do an audition? I’m too old for that” | showbiz

She doesn’t actually know how the makers of ‘De Buurtpolitie VIPS’ ended up with Loes. “I was told they wanted to upgrade the program,” she tells Primo. “I was hesitant to be honest. In the end, the new professional wind blowing through the series won me over. The series is more cinematic than before. In the past, the set of ‘De Buurtpolitie’ was often improvised, while the scenarios and dialogues of ‘De Buurtpolitie VIPS’ were completely written out. The finger work is a thing of the past. I’ve only heard of that, too. Because I had never seen one episode of ‘De Buurtpolitie’. But that’s not a gauge, because I don’t follow many series anyway.”


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