LIVE | House of Representatives back from recess for corona debate: ‘Open supermarket until 10 p.m.’ Inland

Parties in the House will mainly blame the cabinet for the relatively slow start of the booster campaign. Compared to other EU countries, the Netherlands scores poorly when it comes to extra shots, according to figures from the European health service ECDC. On Friday, the Netherlands was still in 26th place out of 30.

Supermarkets must remain open until 10 p.m., according to the PVV. “With a view to Christmas shopping, spreading customers is very important,” says Member of Parliament Fleur Agema. The PVV believes that furniture and clothing stores can also remain open. “Not inhaling each other’s breath, wearing a mask and ventilating have been proven effective. Not closings.”

Reporter Mike Muller is present in The Hague, follow his live report here:


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