Lightning strike in Hoevelaken | NOW

Lightning struck a house on Leeuweriklaan early Thursday morning in Hoevelaken. As a result of the impact, roof tiles flew off the roof, several meter boxes fell out and a gas leak occurred. The residents were unharmed.

At around 5:45 am, the fire brigade received a report of a fire in a house in Hoevelaken following a lightning strike. Once the firefighters arrived, they did not actually find a fire, but they did find a lot of smoke. The electricity had also gone out; meter boxes around the house no longer worked. It didn’t stop there.

gas leakage

There was a smell of gas in the street in front of the house. The gas leak turned out to be at the connection of the public road to the house. The fire brigade has evacuated a number of homes around the affected home and secured the area. Grid operator Liander is currently busy sealing the pipes.

After that, it is up to the fire brigade to check everything step by step and to release the homes again. How long that will take is still unknown. Residents have been accommodated in an adjacent building for neighborhood meetings.
