Light tremor measured at Eelde

A light earthquake of 0.5 on the Richter scale was measured near Eelde this morning. The KNMI registered the shock just after 4.30 am, at a depth of about 3 kilometers.

It is not often that an earthquake is measured at Eelde. The place is also outside the Groningen gas field, but in the immediate vicinity, says head of Seismology Läslo Evers against RTV Noord. “It’s the second time; the first was in 2018. The strength was then 0.7 on the Richter scale.”

Quakes in Groningen can be felt more often in North Drenthe, for example in May 2019. The epicenter was then in Westerwijtwerd, about 18 kilometers northeast of the city of Groningen. The earthquake had a magnitude of 3.4 on the Richter scale. Residents of Eelde and Eelderwolde were shaken awake, they reported on social media.
