Levant goal: Japanese from Italy among phenomena, meteors and highlanders …

Years pass, which for him are 45, and his compatriots in the history of Serie A also increase, but the most famous Japanese in Italy certainly remains Hidetoshi Nakata, brought to Serie A by the genius of Luciano Gaucci, who weaves it for the Perugia in 1998. The street attacking midfielder makes it, also finding a way to be decisive for the third championship of the Rome and for winning an Italian Cup with the shirt of Parma. For him seven years in Italy, also wearing the shirts of Fiorentina And Bologna. Now he dedicates himself to sake, with the awareness of having marked an era both for the football of his country and in our home championship. But the players … of the “eastern goal” have stories to tell in Italy, among some great players, many short experiences and already forgotten meteors.


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