Leipzig boss Mintzlaff sharply criticizes politics

Leipzig (dpa) – RB Leipzig’s CEO Oliver Mintzlaff reacted with harsh criticism to the decisions of the Prime Ministers’ Conference on the Corona measures.

Like managing director Hans-Joachim Watzke from Borussia Dortmund, Mintzlaff no longer excludes legal action in order to be able to admit spectators to Bundesliga games again.

“I think Aki Watzke’s move is absolutely right, and we’ll also check with other Bundesliga clubs if we don’t find a quick solution here, whether and how we can take legal action,” Mintzlaff told the “Bild” newspaper.

“The federal government cannot paint the world as it likes it. That ends in a zigzag course that people no longer support. I therefore call for uniform and, above all, nationwide rules, because otherwise we can’t even start can no longer orient themselves and trust in statements is dwindling even more,” said the 46-year-old. Decisions such as the different reductions in the convalescent regulation in the Bundestag and the rest of the country made people feel “taken for fools”.

During their consultations on Monday, the federal and state governments had currently ruled out easing corona requirements in view of the increasing infections, but did not tighten the measures either. This means that in the professional leagues in football, handball, basketball or ice hockey, it largely remains with ghost games or games with a few thousand visitors. Only in Bavaria was a special route denied on Tuesday, which will allow up to 10,000 visitors in the stadiums again in the future.

“We are engaged in symbolic politics. We have the feeling that in many areas politicians think more in terms of problems than in solutions. If they keep it that way, it will soon no longer be understandable for many people. Above all, it is no longer transparent.” , Mintzlaff criticized the political approach.


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