Farmers Defense Force leader Mark van den Oever says that regional directors of the action group will meet on Tuesday to prepare a major national action. He says he wants to focus on outgoing Agriculture Minister Piet Adema and Member of Parliament Harm Holman (NSC) from Roden.
“I really hated that,” Van den Oever says about both politicians in a video. “They will be the center of attention.”
Holman is the agricultural spokesperson for NSC, Pieter Omtzigt’s party. De Drent showed himself in the House of Representatives this week in favor of a smaller livestock herd. And that went down the wrong way with FDF.
Van den Oever warns his supporters that they will have to hand in tens of thousands of euros next year and will have no income left. “If not, then you will have to take action. Otherwise, next year you will just have to slog and lug around reels and pull cow teats for absolutely nothing.”
On Tuesday, regional directors of FDF and the leaders of the tractor groups will meet to coordinate the action. The protest would take place next weekend.
Tonight FDF organized a farmers’ protest in Friesland. People were called to gather at various places along the A7, such as the carpool places at the Afsluitdijk, Bolsward, Sneek, Joure, Heerenveen and Drachten.