L1mburg Central: Some nightclubs still keep doors closed | 1Limburg

The Maastricht citizens’ summit has started, action against organized crime in the transport sector and more Limburg news.

This is L1mburg Central from Friday 11 February 2022.

Antivaxer to police to report it
The images of a group of antivaxers harassing employees of the GGD in Heerlen have caused a lot of commotion. The GGD has reported libel, threats and abuse. But now the lady who would have been guilty of this herself wants to file a complaint against the GGD.

look at here the whole report.

Pop stage Grenswerk keeps doors closed
Theaters and museums have previously protested against the corona measures. On Saturday evening, the nightclubs, pop halls and discotheques want to open their doors. But not all mayors allow that. Municipalities such as Maastricht and Venlo have already indicated that they will enforce it. Discotheque ‘Complex’ in Maastricht will nevertheless open as usual, but in Venlo it remains quiet. Poppodium Grenswerk – with great reluctance – keeps the doors closed.

look at here the whole report.

Roermond station renovation started
The NS station in Roermond is undergoing a major overhaul. The renovation, which will take about eight months, started on Friday. The station will not be demolished, but it will be extensively restored. In doing so, the station will be restored as much as possible to the state it once was.

look at here the whole report.

Action against organized crime in the transport sector
Anyone who drove on the Limburg highways this week will certainly have noticed that there were many police motorcycles on the road. They were looking for trucks and vans that may be used by criminals. In total, more than 200 vehicles were checked, 14 of which were found to be associated with organized crime.

look at here the whole report.

Citizens’ summit Maastricht has started
Have a say in the future of Europe. Two hundred citizens from all over the European Union are doing it this weekend in Maastricht, during the European Citizens’ Summit. They will discuss migration and the role of Europe in the world with politicians. Actually, the summit was supposed to take place in January, but that could not take place due to corona. Lucky accident, now the summit falls exactly on the week of the 30th anniversary of the Maastricht Treaty.

look at here the whole report.

Fortuna is aiming for a win against Groningen
Fortuna Sittard is still in relegation worries, but of course wants to continue last week’s victory over Heerenveen this weekend. The opponent on Saturday evening is FC Groningen.

look at here the whole report.


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