L1mburg Central: Cat and mouse game in the Sterrebos | 1Limburg

A possible solution for starters on the housing market, trees that are planted elsewhere and more Limburg news.

The broadcast of L1mburg Centraal from February 5, 2022. With the following topics:

Plan Woonwenz for starter homes
Anyone who wants to buy a house as a starter has a problem. Houses are scarce, prices are very high and overbidding is the norm. But the Venlo housing association Woonwenz now thinks it has a solution. They sell their starter homes for a fixed price. If you want to be eligible for this, you must meet certain conditions.

View the full report here

Cultural scientist Ewout van den Engel about Vastelaovend
Three more weeks until Carnival, or what will be left of this year. It is certain that there will be a celebration, but how? That depends a bit on what’s allowed. But why do we really want to celebrate so much? What is that Vastlaoves geveul that for many Limburgers is inextricably linked to our culture. I’m going to talk about it with Ewout van den Engel, cultural scientist and author of a book about the Vastlaovend.

View the full report here

Limburg Trees Boost
Digging out a tree to put it back in the ground in a different place. It is happening this weekend in Limburg with tens of thousands of trees. These are young trees and shrubs that have more opportunity and space to grow in their new location. The campaign is an initiative of the Urgenda Foundation, which fights against climate change and sustainability.

View the full report here

Arrests in the Sterrebos
The police arrested fifteen people this morning at the occupied Sterrebos next to VDL Nedcar in Born. The activists entered restricted areas and were unable to identify themselves. A spokesperson for the tree climbers spoke to us.

View the full report here


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