Kuipers wants more research into 2G before the law is discussed | Inland

Kuipers wants to re-examine the circumstances in which 2G can be used, he wrote in a letter to the House of Representatives on Tuesday. He refers to an earlier study by TU Delft, which previously concluded that 2G has hardly any effect, especially with the emergence of the infectious omicron variant of corona. The difference between 2G and 3G is so small that there is ‘no need’ for the rapid introduction of the stricter system, says Kuipers.

The House will debate on Tuesday about the extension of the corona law, which also includes the corona admission ticket.

On Tuesday morning, it actually appeared that 2G would probably not make it in the House. Coalition party CU and opposition party GL both wanted to rally behind a motion against 2G. If the PvdA had also been included, the proposal would not have made it anyway


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