Koselig, the Norwegian philosophy of enduring winter

H.ygge, Lagoom, Lykke, now Koselig. They are all Northern European terms, difficult to translate into Italian, that they highlight the desire, or perhaps the need, for well-being and to find happiness especially in the little things of everyday life. Particularly when the temperatures are low outside, the dark comes early and the desire to go out is scarce. In this case help runs on Koselig, the Norwegian philosophy of “stasis” that teaches to savor the winter.

Winter solstice: the shortest day of the year and the great conjunction

Koselig, the Norwegian philosophy of “enduring” the winter

On the other hand, who better than the peoples of the North can teach us to appreciate winter? Those who live for most of the year with a few hours of light a day, have learned to appreciate this season. And it’s not just a saying. The psychologist explains Koselig, the Norwegian philosophy dedicated to winter Kari Leibowitz, Stanford University graduate and Norwegian culture scholar. The scholar has in fact defined this period as “Winter stasis”, highlighting how the Norwegians’ attitude helps them to overcome the colder months.

In particular, he conducted a study for the country with unexpected results in the north, in particular in Tromsø, one of the northernmost cities and therefore with very few hours of light for many months. Psychological tests have shown that, despite this, the inhabitants do not suffer from seasonal depression or other ailments related to the situation. The reason? “People see winter as something to enjoy and not to endure,” said Leibowitz al The Guardian. Not only that, but strong social, friends and family ties help a lot.

What it means to be Koselig

So what does Koseling consist of? Untranslatable into Italian, the term that comes closest is “welcome”. Adopt this philosophy it means first of all having a positive approach to winter itself. It is useless to complain about the low temperatures and the lack of light, better to find alternatives. Norwegians, for example, spend a lot of time outdoors even in low temperatures because “it is not a question of bad weather but bad clothes” as an old adage goes.

Girls with cup of tea


AND contact with nature is essential. Getting out of the chaos of the city, or even just taking a walk in a park, helps you a lot and to regenerate your mind and spirit. Not only that: but if hygge, the Danish way to happiness, is very much based on living well even alone, Koselig focuses on the relationship with others. So yes to going out with friends, afternoon walks or tea with a friend, organized dinners but also evenings spent on the phone or in viodechat. Keeping relationships alive is essential for Norwegians, in any form. All in a welcoming, warm, cozy atmosphere, including candles, soft lights, good food and good chat.

Not only Koselig, all the other philosophies of happiness

Not just Koselig or Hygge though. Indeed, there are many philosophies to try to live more serenely trying to enjoy the small everyday life. For instance, the Scottish version of Hygge is Coorie. Enjoy life in cottages, the North Sea, an evening in the pub with friends or in front of the fireplace if out of storm. In Sweden it is called Lagom and it is the live a balanced life, that is, without excesses in any sense. For example, if you are staying with friends for a weekend, bring your own sheets so as not to burden too much. An invitation to dinner? Contribute with the dessert for example. At the base, the idea that Swedish society is a group and everyone has to do their part. A concept to own is also the Danish one of Lykke, or of “satisfaction”. For example, leaving the office at 5pm and enjoying the rest of the day with family or leisure.

The French also have their own art de vivre à la française or “let go”. To find your own inner peace, it is better to stop wanting to be the best, to make comparisons with others, to be stressed to reach a hypothetical perfection. But accept yourself with all your vulnerabilities and personal tastes. For example, are you more relaxed by going to the shops than by doing yoga? Perfect!



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