Kek Mama is taken over by Familyblend and Kompas Publishing

DPG Media divests Kek Mama. The glossy magazine for mothers will be acquired by Kompas Publishing and Familyblend. DPG Media will remain active in the media segment for young parents with the title Ouders van Nu.

Wanja Allessie, Director of Special Interest Media at DPG Media: “To optimally serve (future) parents in their interests, both offline and online, we bring focus to the brands and channels by choosing Ouders van Nu.” The choice for Parents of NOW is a logical one. With more than 22,000 targeted paid circulation, the magazine has a greater reach than Kek Mama, whose circulation has fallen to 13,000 readers in recent years.
Allessie: “DPG Media thus retains the largest print edition and is also investing heavily in digitization. I am also very happy that we have found a good home for Kek Mama, a beautiful glossy and online platform for mothers, where it gets the full attention it deserves.”

Influencer marketing and branded content

Rik van Elk, owner of Familyblend: “We see Kek Mama and her team as a valuable addition to our portfolio.” Familyblend is an agency with activities in advertising, branded content and influencer marketing in the segment of young parents. “Further expanding the Kek Mama brand and platform requires specific attention. With our experience within this target group, personal approach and the use of our influencer channel, we see a bright future for Kek Mama, both online and offline!”
Kompas Publishing is the company of former CFO of Sanoma, Aart Wallet. Kompas Publishing previously acquired Startpagina and from DPG Media.

Employees along

Kompas Publishing and Familyblend want to build the future of the brand together with the current employees of Kek Mama. Jannine Berkelaar, editor-in-chief of Kek Mama: “I am extremely proud of what we have achieved with Kek Mama in recent years. With the honest stories, personal interviews and striking columns, we ensure recognition among all women who are also mothers. I look forward to a successful collaboration in which we will put the cross-media glossy for mothers even more on the map.”


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