Juve, capital increase subscribed to 98.45%. The banks will complete it

Already collected 393 of the 400 million after the second phase of the operation, the offer of unexercised rights. The underwriting syndicate will purchase the remaining new shares by 28 December

Juventus announced the results at the end of the second phase of the collection of the capital increase of 400 million approved by the directors: at the end of the offer period of the unexercised rights on the Stock Exchange, the increase was subscribed at 98.45 per cent, for a total value of 393,686,113.63 euros.

It started from 91.75%

The first phase, that of the offer in option of new shares, closed last Thursday at 91.75 per cent, equal to approximately 366.9 million: 63.8 per cent, equal to 255 million, pertaining to the majority shareholder Exor, and the remaining 112 million to the small shareholders. The remaining 8.25 per cent of unexercised rights was offered on the stock exchange on 20 and 21 December, leaving a final portion equal to 1.55 per cent unsold for the time being.

The completion

These shares not yet subscribed following the offer on the Stock Exchange, the Juventus note recalled, “will be purchased by 28 December 2021 by the underwriting consortium, composed of Goldman Sachs International, JP Morgan AG, Mediobanca – Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA and UniCredit Corporate & Investment Banking, pursuant to the guarantee agreement entered into with Juventus on 22 November 2021 “. The completion of the 400 million capital increase is therefore expected by the end of 2021.



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