Journalist and film critic Olga Galitskaya died from the effects of COVID-19

Journalist, radio host and film critic Olga Galitskaya died of a stroke amid coronavirus, informed philologist Nikolai Podsokorsky on Facebook. She was 69 years old.

She suffered a stroke due to coronavirus or pneumonia, reported Ksenia Larina, host of the Echo of Moscow radio station, on Facebook. Before being hospitalized on January 28, Galitskaya was alone at home and did not have time to report that she was ill. Relatives called the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, who opened the door.

Olga Galitskaya worked for Echo of Moscow in 1991-1996. For the next two years, she was a host on NTV. Then she worked at the Kultura radio station, wrote articles for Moskovsky Komsomolets, Gazeta, and Vremya Novostey. In 2009, she served as chief editor of the Moscow bureau of Radio Liberty (the organization’s legal entities are recognized as foreign agents in Russia).

She was the author and host of such radio programs about cinema and television as Film Life, The Station Agent, Comfort Company, Moby Dick, Dances with Wolves. Galitskaya became the author of the script for the documentary “Roses for Signora Raisa”, which received prizes at international film festivals in Honfleur (France) and Plovdiv (Bulgaria).

The journalist was a member of the board of the Guild of Film Critics and Film Critics of Russia, a laureate of the Golden Aries award.


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