Johnson Purges His Team After Downing Street Party Scandal

Boris Johnson parties the first heads have been collected. On Thursday night there were four cascading resignations of the Downing Street team, which in some cases were undercover layoffs. The first to announce his departure was Munira Mirza, head of the political department and one of Johnson’s faithful advisers for more than a decade. Mirza criticized the prime minister for making a “misleading” accusation against the opposition leader, Keir Starmer. He credited him with allowing a former BBC showman, Jimmy Savile, already deceased, he escaped justice for his crimes as a pederast, when Starmer was chief of the British prosecution. A false accusation spread by the extreme right.

feeling of chaos

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Shortly after the resignation of Jack Doyle, Communications Director of Downing Street, involved in some of the festivities. later they fell Martin Reynolds, Private Secretary to the Prime Minister and convener of a ‘party’ with 100 people during the pandemic, asking them to bring drinks, an inevitable fall. also jumped Dan Rosenfield, Director of Personnel on Johnson’s team. The impression is that Doyle, Reynolds and Rosenfield were “pushed” to resign in a purge of the “premier” to try to save their job.

Last Monday the prime minister had promised the conservative parliamentary group that he would clean up the Downing Street team. The task is possibly not finished and there will be dismissals or resignations soon in the middle of a feeling of chaos.


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