Johnson promises to publish entire report ‘party gate’ | Abroad

The prime minister evaded questions in parliament on Wednesday about whether he would make the report available in full. When opposition leader Keir Starmer asked if the entire investigation would be published “and not a summary or edited version,” Johnson responded that “we should leave the report to the independent investigators.” The Prime Minister confirms on Thursday that the report will “of course” be published in full.

The United Kingdom is eagerly awaiting Gray’s report. The official investigates the series of parties in and around the official residence and the office of the head of government. British government employees may have violated corona rules. The findings could land Johnson in serious trouble.

London police are also investigating the rallies. It is still being considered whether details from Gray’s report should be withheld so that the police investigation can take place without prejudice. Johnson has not yet been heard by the police, according to his spokesperson.

The investigation was expected on Wednesday, but it is uncertain when it will come out now. The publication may be extended over the weekend.


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