January Diet: DIY is not a good idea

Lto diet January? That DIY is not a good idea. From those who abruptly eliminate carbohydrates to those who abolish sugar and dairy products or eat only fruit. Starting the year with slimming (and depriving) regimes is a great classic, but also one of the least friendly gestures towards ourselves. And less girl power ever.

January diet, a myth to dispel

The first days of the year are the time for good intentions and endless wish-lists. At the top of the priorities almost always dominates the do it yourself diet, seen as a saving grace after excesses at the table during the Christmas holidays.

This is true even though we have been familiar with the bad health effects of yo-yo diets for a long time. Not to mention the most intimate aspect, linked tolove of self and tofemale empowerment.

The rules of a new (authentic) well-being

In fact, it adds to the health risks the psychological and social question. While it is true that changing the way you eat radically affects your well-being and physical appearance, it is equally true that subjecting one’s body to improvised starvation and deprivation in the name of an obsolete physical model is the least feminist act ever. It is discussed in an article by Glamor UK, which explains how the anti-diet movement and theintuitive feeding are constantly on the rise.

And it opens up an interesting debate by asking these questions: What if this year we give ourselves permission to be as we are without judging ourselves? What if we declined the constant invitations (explicit or not) to reinvent ourselves, investing our time in to cultivate a healthy relationship with food and with our body?

True girl power is being kind to ourselves

Naturally, we do not speak here of ad personam diets given by expert nutritionists to people with health problems. The problem is the depriving regimes self-induced, those of word of mouth or found by chance on the web.

From the sudden drop in essential calories and nutrients to exhausting and self-punishing physical activity, everything seems granted in the name of a supposedly perfect physicist. Because despite the manifestations of body-positivity, women’s self-image is always strongly anchored in patriarchal stereotypes.

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diet 2022

The self love diet

Stereotypes that are difficult to abandon when you have been immersed in them for a lifetime, but that can be smoothed out slowly starting from say stop anxiety about weight loss for aesthetic purposes. And starting, for once, the new year with a little healthy and peaceful relaxation and with the self-love diet. What a second Chalkboard Magazine go through 6 steps:

  1. Connect with the idea that you have a full right to feel good in your body and feed it with healthy foods. When you fill your plate with protein, good fats and high-fiber carbohydrates, your blood sugar level stabilizes and you feel energized.
  2. Be totally present when you eat. Eliminate distractions like phone, computer, television. Eat slowly and pay attention to when your stomach reaches satiety.
  3. Trust your body. The various diets work for some and for others they don’t. If it doesn’t make you feel good, it’s not the right one.
  4. Make way for flexibility, away from unattainable goals. When things don’t go as planned, let go of the idea of ​​perfection and allow yourself to simply be at your best.
  5. Pay attention to how you feel after you eat a particular food.
  6. Change your inner dialogue, don’t let self-talk lower your mood. Whenever you catch a thought of self-criticism or negative judgment, balance it with another of compassion and loving words.



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