Ivan Camurri died the skyrunner who was struggling with leukemia

The athlete from Alagna had been struggling with a rare form of leukemia for three years. He was only 35 years old. He leaves his wife Agnese and their son Francesco

Unfortunately he didn’t make it Ivan Camurri, the Piedmontese runner who for three years struggled with a rare form of leukemia. He died on Christmas day after a delicate heart operation. The announcement of his death was made this morning at 7 from his wife Agnese Valz Gen, which Ivan had met practicing his sport, skyrunning, a specialty in which he had won many competitions. Agnese moved to Alagna for him. They got married on April 14, 2019, in the hospital, when Ivan was about to undergo a bone marrow transplant. Only a few days after the diagnosis, the two discovered they were expecting a baby, Francesco.

The bone marrow transplant –

It was his mother who had donated the marrow to Ivan, Gisella Bendotti, also an athlete, mountain running champion. And it was from his mother that he inherited his passion for sport and for running in particular. A passion that he never gave up, not even due to illness. In fact, this year in May Ivan was able to take part in the Mottino, the 12 km race of the Trail del Motty.

Hospitalization in November –

Unfortunately, however, Ivan’s fight against the disease was not over yet, despite the fact that the return to racing seemed for him a return to life after two and a half years of ordeal. In November of this year he was hospitalized again due to a heart problem. Himself he had explained to his followers on 18 December: “I was hospitalized on November 9th for something that seemed to be solved in a few days. After 40 days I know that I have a mass in my heart but I still don’t know what I will have to fight against. In the next days I will be undergoing an open heart operation to take a sample of this mass. I admit I’m scared, but I’m also confident, I can’t just go to a banal operating room! I’ll try to post after the surgery to say everything was fine, as long as he’s not made like a dragon and no longer has the use of opposable thumb! I would just like to say to bad luck that it was nice to be his image man for these 3 years, but now I would like to rescind the contract! I love you guys, see you soon, otherwise we’ll see you later “.

Ivan Camurri’s last message –

In addition to his strength as a skyrunner, Ivan Camurri was loved and admired a lot also for his desire and joy of living. Four days ago he wrote his last post: “Survivor !!! I won’t get back to you right away because I’m broken, but at least you know I’m fine! Thanks to everyone for your closeness and thanks to that immense woman of mine wife without which I would be lost in oblivion! I love you baby and I love you all! “


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