“It takes time for us to meet again with the people at Telemadrid”

After his abrupt departure from the magazine ‘It’s happening’, Inés Ballester returns to Telemadrid with ‘The music of my life’, which opens tonight. The presenter completely changes the third, she leaves current events aside to offer a musical program in which the work and life of great stars of the song in Spain.

I’ve thought for a long time that there was no music on TV. and i missed him“, affirms the presenter happily. The truth is that, despite the fact that some musical talent shows show signs of exhaustion, it seems that there is a musical resurgence: “I have followed the Benidorm Fest. I haven’t seen Eurovision in years. And there really are other ways of telling and singing things.” “I saw it that way just to see, but I ate it up to the end,” says Ballester, who confesses that he really liked “Galician women and Rigoberta. But everyone, because those who paid tribute to Rafaella Carrá (Varry Brava), too”.

But in ‘La Música de mi Vida’ what also prevails is nostalgia: “We recover those songs that we all know, that are part of our sentimental memory… And thanks to those songs we also review the life of the artist. And we also situate what was happening in Spain and in the world at the time when that song was number one in Russia”. “We paid tribute to some artists who put a pike in Flanders”, adds the host.

The weight of the music or the biography will depend on the character: “Because Julio Iglesias had a pretty intense personal life (laughs). But then there are quite discreet characterslike Victor Manuel and Ana Belén”.

‘The music of my life’ comes at a difficult time for Telemadrid, which after the upward path of recent years has once again lost audience after the arrival of the new management imposed by Isabel Díaz Ayuso. What are the expectations? “Well, honestly… Let’s do the best we can (laughs). The people who watch TV are very loyal to a program or a network. And when things upset you, well It takes a little while for us to meet again. I think that is what has happened in Telemadridbut the will and the desire for them to work is tremendousBallester explains.

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The presenter has good words for her new bosses: “I know almost all of them, because I worked on TVE with Sánchez and with Ramón Camblor, who is the head of my area, I worked a lot. He launched ‘Friends and acquaintances’ and ‘ Blood ties’, he is a guy with a lot of initiative, who knows about television and has a lot of nose.If he sees that something is not working, he acts. I know that if our program doesn’t work, he’s going to kill it (laughs). He’s going to make a lot of changes until he finds the formula.”.

Focused on this program, she rules out -for now- going back to a current affairs program like ‘It’s happening’, canceled by the new management two months after her departure: “It was a daily program of two and a half hours, I ended up very tired. she got tired of more, she had had a bad time, they wanted to make some change and I wasn’t interested”, she explains about her departure, and adds with humor: “When I see Sonsoles Ónega doing so many hours on TV…”.


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