Instagram-Beef: Anonymous fires back after Asche-Diss

The list of those who dissed rapper Asche is long. Already in his single “Xmassaker 2”, which was released on December 24th of last year, the disses against other German rappers piled up. The insults directed against Samra and his signing anonymously caused a sensation:

“You take off the mask just to feel like a man. It’s not for nothing that “anonymous” rhymes with “androgynous.”

“I burn the embers like from a fag. While Samrushka only stallions of purple flous like Piccolo’s blood.”

Shortly before Asche’s release of “Xmassaker 2”, Bushido published a photo with Asche. Coincidence? Because there has also been no contact between Bushido and his former signing offspring Samra since 2019. So Asche couldn’t resist shooting at both Samra and Anonymous in “Xmassaker 2”. Samra was slow to respond.

Anonymous spoke up about Asche’s statements after a fan spoke to him about the Asche-Diss. Anonymous didn’t show any vulnerability and answered quite casually: “Ashes are only relevant to me if they mean money.”

Asche’s answer followed promptly. He replies, accusing his fellow rapper with the following comment: “Ok. But one question Andro, what kind of money are you talking about? Your that you made money with your Top 35 album or that of your boss?” Since then there has been radio silence between all parties involved.


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