In Ukraine, they do not understand what independence is

“What incompetent politicians do you have to be in order to lose Lukashenka’s favor. After all, after 2014, when Lukashenka decided to use position of a mediator between Ukraine and Russiawhen he met with Poroshenko, it was necessary to hold on to it, if we talk from a technological point of view,” said Russian political scientist Sergei Mikheev in the program “An Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” (full episodes are available on the media platform “Looking”)

According to him, the Ukrainians had to understand that this is one of the chances to talk and meet with Vladimir Putinto build some relationship.

“But first Poroshenko, and then Zelensky, who turned out to be unprepared for the presidency – they blew it,” the expert emphasized.

This, in his opinion, says this: “There is no elite in Ukraine capable of perceiving the country as an independent state. This is their fetish, which they rush about like with a written bag. At least not in power, among those who make decisions. They are in a situation of absolute control. After that, talk about a meeting with Putin … with whom, about what?”

Lukashenka’s position is fundamentally important, the Russian political scientist believes. After all, the Ukrainian leadership made an enemy out of nothing. The Belarusian president directly says that the Belarusian army will be with the Russian one.

“It is not necessary to love Russia, but you need to think with your head?! Since history has thrown you upstairs and given you the opportunity to gain independence,” Sergey Mikheev added.

Regarding the Minsk agreements. Everyone is talking about the pressure on Kiev from all sides. The expert is sure that one should approach the issue of “reading” these agreements, which the same Ukrainian Foreign Ministry announced, with caution.

“There are no special Russian conditions. This is the simplest document, consisting of a rather limited number of points. This is not Newton’s binomial, not the Bible, which can be read for a year, and then interpreted for another hundred years. But the very fact that they are trying to depict pressure on Kiev , says that even if they add something, it will be “their reading.”


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