In Salandra – Matera the “Parallel Stories” Festival

THEThe small town of Salandra, located on the hills of Matera, is preparing to welcome the fifth edition of Parallel Stories, the documentary film festival created by Fargo Produzioni with the support of the Municipality of Salandra and the Basilicata Region. A special edition that marks the first five years of this festival conceived and directed by director Nicola Ragone with the co-direction of Carmine Cassino (teacher and author), Carmine Iuvone (musician and composer) and Giuseppe Ragone (actor).

Calanchi – Picture of Delia Aliani

The theme chosen for the 2022 edition is Borders. A very topical topic, the task of the courts will be to propose different declinations on the subject.

An edition full of guests

Already in its first years of life, the festival has expanded and renewed its offer, exploring new realities and introducing, alongside the many screenings and meetings, two Main Events that have met with great success in previous editions: The Way of the Badlands a slow path enriched by theatrical performances towards the clay promontories just outside the town and lo Sleep Concert, night concert in the badlands, which in this edition it will host the performance of the singer-songwriter Emma Noldefinalist for the Tenco prize in the first work section with the album Toccaterra (Saturday 10 September).

On the occasion of the fifth year of activity, the artistic direction and the whole team worked on the creation of a New Extra Event: Eden.Video mappinga contemporary reinterpretation of the Fallen Adamthe sacred tragedy written by Serafino della Salandra in 1647, from which John Milton would have drawn inspiration for the drafting of his masterpiece Paradise Lost, translated through a language capable of creating effects of great visual impact (Friday 9 September).

Il Volo, the concert to remember Ennio Morricone makes an encore

Il Volo, the concert to remember Ennio Morricone makes an encore

September 11: Tornatore

The festival will end on 11 September with the screening of the documentary film Ennio by Giuseppe Tornatore absolute novelty and winner of numerous awards including three David di Donatello and a Nastro d’Argento, dedicated to the legendary figure of Maestro Ennio Morricone.

The guests of the 2022 edition

Many guests scheduled for this edition, to name a few: Rocco Papaleo (director, actor), Carlo De Ruggieri (actor), Annarita Colucci (actress), Josafat Vagni (actor), Angela Curri (actress), Fabio Pappacena (actor) , Francesco Chimenti (musician), the Turkish dancer Paola Sayeste Aygul Saribas, the Lithuanian director Anastasija Pirozenko and the aforementioned Massimo D’Orzi and Emma Nolde. Important news of this edition will be the presence of the Popular Jurycomposed of a varied audience of passionate spectators who will vote for the short-docs competing in parallel with the official jury, chaired by the director and author Valerio Vestoso.

The recognition assigned by the Popular Jury will be added to the three pre-existing awards Best Short doc, Best Photography and Best Editing.

Below are the ten short-docs that will be screened at the festival and put to the scrutiny of the juries:

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40 horses by Luca Ciriello (10 ‘) – ITALY
Making a mistake by Alice Sagrati (11 ‘) – ITALY
Giuseppe Brigante’s award (5 ‘) – ITALY
Angel by Alfredo Chiarappa (9 ‘) – ITALY
Beeing alive by Vincenzo Notaro (20 ‘) – ITALY
The end of originality by Laura Zayan (10 ‘) – DENMARK
A true story of friendship and values ​​by Gianluca Facchini (16 ‘) – NEPAL
Aqueducts by Álvaro Martins Sainz (8 ‘) – FRANCE
Exodus by Oliver Stiller (20 ‘) – MEXICO
Pagirnis by Anastasija Pirozenko (20 ‘) – NETHERLANDS

Here to download the program in pdf

