HSV professional Vuskovic: “I won’t let myself break”

Status: 03/31/2023 4:19 p.m

One day after the DFB sports court sentenced him to a two-year ban for EPO doping, HSV professional Mario Vuskovic spoke up. “I’m not going to let that break me,” he wrote on Instagram on Friday.

“To the end,” he will fight “to prove the truth,” added the 21-year-old Croatian, thanking Hamburger SV, his hometown club Hajduk Split, the Croatian Football Association and, above all, the supporters for their support .

“A huge thank you goes out to all my fans who have stood by my side every day and still do to this day,” said the centre-back. “Your messages and your support give me the motivation not to give up and to get back on the pitch as soon as possible.”

Fundamental dispute over the Epo analytics

The sports court of the German Football Association (DFB) announced on Thursday that Vuskovic would be banned until November 14, 2024 for EPO doping. The defensive talent denies the doping allegation.

Immediately after the decision became known, HSV, in consultation with the player’s lawyers, announced that it would appeal to the DFB Federal Court. The case has evolved into a fundamental dispute over Epo analytics. The National Anti-Doping Agency (Nada) also said it would decide next week whether to appeal.

To the post on Instagram

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sports club | 04/02/2023 | 10:50 p.m
