How to enrich your customer data to better understand it and retain it online and in-store?

To exist, it is undeniable that a company needs customers. It is these who will help the company prosper financially and build a company’s reputation. In this sense, it is essential to do everything possible to meet their needs and desires.

However, it is not always easy to identify their very different expectations from one another. Some will prefer in-store support and advice, while others will prefer fast and efficient service when making an online purchase. To meet these challenges, a solution: improve your customer knowledge to better understand them and retain them. This is where application programming interfaces (APIs) come in. They make it possible to make data more reliable as soon as it is collected and to enrich a company’s customer information.

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Get to know your customers better in order to retain them better across all channels

The studies showed that thanks to the personalization of messages, 36% of consumers are more satisfied and 47% are more likely to stay loyal. To offer them the desired experience, it is therefore necessary to know more about their purchasing behavior on each channel and to have relevant information about them. The more a company develops and enriches its customer knowledge, the stronger the connections and relationships it will be able to build with its customers.

To help companies on this point, the IDAIA Group has set up Data Store API. This API catalog makes available to the company’s support services, its expertise in international data verification, as well as its data capital, rich in the comprehensiveness of companies in France and 47 million individuals.

The Group offers individual enrichment APIs, which allow companies to better understand their customers and prospects thanks to reliable and up-to-date information. An essential element when we know that 40% of commercial initiatives, both online and in physics, are falling short of their goals due to poor customer data.

With the right contact details, it instantly becomes easier to send the right message, to the right person at the right time. With this additional information about its customers and prospects provided by the APIs, a company can then initiate a winning personalization strategy, whether it operates in e-commerce and / or in a physical store. These APIs provide access to B2C data, such as civility, first name, last name, address, age, landline and mobile phone but also wealth index, level of energy consumption, housing status (owners / tenants etc).

In the case of a B2B company, the Company API makes it possible to benefit from key information on French companies, such as their SIRET, workforce, their NAF code, their date of creation or their status (active, ceased, etc.). The Financial Data API thus makes accessible some 10 million failure scores, 8.3 million turnover scores, 1.8 million balance sheets, etc.

Be up to date on the news of its customers

To maintain a good level of information to maintain (or initiate) an optimal relationship with its customers, prospects and / or B2B partners on all channels, it is essential to stay informed of any changes and key movements that have occurred in its customer and prospect databases. Otherwise, it can lead to customer dissatisfaction or worse, loss of business, because opportunities will not have been exploited.

With the Business alert API API Data Store, it is possible to know all the news of its customers, whether it is a new registered trademark, a change of manager, a move, or even a credit score that turns red to anticipate the risk of unpaid bills. So many business opportunities that can be lost if information is not captured on time. To avoid this, the Data Store API solution makes it possible to receive day after day the latest events observed on its monitored companies.

Maintain a reliable and up-to-date database

With 30% of business data changing each year, it is essential to maintain a good level of reliability of your data throughout the year to ensure a good level of satisfaction and high profitability on your marketing and sales campaigns. It is advisable to regularly update its B2B and B2C databases, which will help the processing of tailor-made or automated, one-off or recurring data files.

This tool allows a company to increase the reliability of its CRM, ERP, or other customer data exploited through its own digital tools. How? ‘Or’ What ? Thanks to the capital data of the IDAIA Group and its data updated daily.

A company thus ensures to collect qualitative and up-to-date B2B or B2C CRM data. For example, it can update contactability data (telephone, email, etc.), identify moves and retrieve the new standardized postal address, identify deceased individuals or even changes in managers and operational decision-makers on the business side.

Finally, on API Data Store, customers can access all APIs and services offered easily. Developers have the option of testing the platform from a free sandbox. Thanks to the swagger documentation made available, they are completely autonomous and supported throughout.

To discover all the use cases allowed by the many APIs, do not hesitate to browse Data Store API.


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