“How does she get it in her blunt head?”

Glennis Grace cannot count on compassion from her fellow celebrities now that she has rocked an entire Jumbo branch with her thug team. “How does she get it in her blunt head?!”

© RTL Boulevard

Glennis Grace, her 15-year-old son and an unknown man were arrested by the police on Saturday evening because it appears that they have mistreated a number of Jumbo employees. After three nights, the couple is still in jail. Draw on the wall that they have misbehaved violently.

Throwing with baskets

What happened again? Yvonne Coldeweijer was at the desk of RTL Boulevard for the first time yesterday and explained it one more time. It started with Glennis’ son Anthony lighting up an e-cigarette in the store and the Jumbo staff had to say something about it. “Well, he’s totally freaked out, freaked out.”

Anthony started throwing shopping baskets, Yvonne knows. “Several employees came and tried to throw him out of the store. In the meantime, he rams loose on the victim. Then the police was called and while Anthony was working out, he tripped over his own baskets. A little karma.”

Glennis’ thug squad

With a scratch on his face, Anthony went to cry with mother Glennis, who then called in a whole thug. “She had taken twelve men with her, including her son again and a man who was also arrested later. She came there to get a story.”

She continues: “Not like I would come with, ‘Hey, what happened here?’ But just by force, pulled people out of the staff cubicle and the victim was beaten a second time. It’s all very painful. She also used violence herself.”

Aggressive Tokkie

Glennis is completely keelhauled on her own RTL 4, where she until recently starred in The Voice. Boulevard reporter Aran Bade stood in front of the Jumbo and said: “It really turns out that things went wrong here. The local residents in the always so pleasant Jordaan speak of Tokkies, speak of a thug that would have been here.”

One of the Jumbo teenagers was taken to hospital with a concussion, according to Aran. “I also think Glennis made a mistake here. This supermarket is full of high-tech cameras and, of course, those images have been confiscated. How oily is that? The moment you do this… It’s completely captured like a feature film.”

‘My blood is boiling’

Aran also let all angry Jumbo customers have their say. One of them: “My blood just boils, really. I’m so pissed. I think it’s awful. There is simply young staff working. Concussion, nosebleeds, are you okay?”

And another: “I’ve been thinking about the Jumbo staff all day because I know some of the ladies there and I think it’s terrible. Terrible, you just can’t do that.”

blunt head

Albert Verlinde reacted furiously in Shownieuws later that evening. He was all red behind the desk. “I find it unimaginable what that woman has done. They are going to come up with a club of ten – how crazy are you – to go to that supermarket and walk to underage staff.”

“I am so incredibly furious that Glennis Grace, as a mother, would have the guts to do that. If Natacha was here she would yell again that ‘it’s all yet to be proven’, but if you go there two hours later, I’m really losing my mind. She is still in jail and rightly so.”


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