House approves bill to restrict mobile phone use in the car | Inland

The plenary meeting of the House has given the green light for a bill from CD&V and Vooruit that will restrict the use of mobile phones in the car. Smartphones and other electronic devices may now only be used if they are in a holder.

Every year in our country, at least 30 people are killed and 2,500 injured as a result of smartphone use while driving. Nevertheless, almost 30 percent of Belgians indicate that they occasionally send text messages or read while driving. Penalizing violations is therefore very difficult. A police officer can only determine this in the act.

However, the relevant article in the highway code dates from 2000, when the smartphone did not yet exist, and was therefore due for an update, according to CD&V MPs Jef Van den Bergh, Leen Dierick and Jan Briers and Vooruit MP Joris Vandenbroucke. They introduced a bill that extends the scope of “portable telephones” to all electronic communication devices, such as tablets, laptops, e-readers and game consoles.

In addition, drivers are not only not allowed to hold the devices while driving, they are also not allowed to have them on their lap. There is only no problem if the device is in a suitable holder, for example to use it as a GPS device.

Finally, the petitioners want to classify violations as third-degree violations, rather than second-degree violations. This means that the fine is at least 174 euros instead of 116 euros.

The bill was approved this evening in the plenary session of the House. The text received the support of 112 MPs, 11 others voted against, 17 MPs abstained.


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