H&M is not opening a store in the Metaverse

Although various media reports claim otherwise, H&M will not open a store in the Metaverse. A spokesman for H&M confirmed to FashionUnited that there was a misunderstanding and that the Swedish clothing retailer will not open a store on the Metaverse platform Ceek City.

The misunderstanding arose earlier this week because the Ceek City platform showed a virtual H&M store in a tweet. The tweet said the virtual shop had been introduced to the Swedish retailer, but didn’t mention that the shop was created in collaboration with H&M.

Ceek made it clear on his own Twitter channel that the video was a concept presented to H&M. “We’re currently in talks with people at H&M to make this a reality, but it’s not the case right now,” the post said.

In December there was a real metaverse shock in the fashion world: companies like Balenciaga, the Italian fashion group OTB and Adidas announced further steps into the virtual world. Some of them have even set up their own department to develop products and experiences for the Metaverse.

This translated post previously appeared on FashionUnited.nl.


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