Het Xi regime kan geen kant meer op

Bart Eeckhout is hoofdcommentator.

Bart EeckhoutNovember 29, 20226:30 p.m

corona ain’t over until the fat lady sings. Toen Europa en large delen van de rest van de Werld bred onder open following coronagoldven, keken sommigen with favor to China. The covid-19 package was severely repressive, but in 2021 the country was normal – before that state in China – the functions. Vandaag is de situatie helemaal omgekeerd.

Just de aggressive zerocovidaanpak brings the autoritaire regime of President Xi in de problems. Woedend over het willekeurige power abuse, demanding near sea vrijheid in bang for the white economy due to het aanhoudende lockdown beleid iron almost sea Chinezen and other beleid.

The raising of the verzet hebben gelijk. The criticism is right that the Chinese regime de gezondheidscrisis misbruikt om the two of the repressive eens fast te laten bang. Toch is another aanpak not so simple. Het gevaar van de huidige besmettingsgolf in China is real, zeker omdat de vaccinatiegraad bij oudere, kwetsbare Chinezen confusing laag ligt. The fact that the gezondheidssysteem in the two areas met in Elkaar klapt is not ongegrond. Then there’s a ‘Bergamo’ mark on the shell of Chinese cities.

Geen kant meer op

Het Xi-regime kan geen kant meer op. Versoepelen ze niet, dan zal het protest tegen het regime alleen maar in kracht toenemen. Tot overmaat van ramp blijken de own vaccines, waar China trots mee uitpakte, many poorer te works dan de western variants.

So soon can he go. Nog could even be heard from the communist nationalist Xi all touwtjes van de wereldmacht in handen te raise. Nu davert the regime op zijn grondvesten.

Because of this, there are also valleys for the lessen trekking. Zeker, de covidaanpak was also here verre van perfect. An international team of experts is therefore welcome if the other zone is better than most. Toch he is a matter of concern with the Chinese situation. Here we are offended, with criticism from left and right, written about what is said. That’s why he came. Focus on developing vaccines, new information about the virus and over ventilation is lying toe om de aanpak gaandeweg te verfijnen en de samenleving waakzaam maar definitely te heropenen.

Duistere schaduwzijde

The critical openheid ontbreekt in China. In a regime nobody was de big, unfortunately, you were allowed to speak, depending on your own life, but new ideas remained on the spot. That is the duistere schaduwzijde van het autoritaire Chinese unfortunately, that here for sommigen in crisistijd weleens is acclaimed as krachtdadig.

The liberal democracy that you know is verre van perfect. Also in the fight against the coronavirus frustration de soms trage, overdreven of contradictorische ananpak in the west velen and what de dodentol also in our welvaartsstaten hoger dan aanvaard mag been. Then there is still the verifiable democratic offense and a better protection of the good and bad in the autocratic world. Just about the beleid betwistbaar is in a mag zijn.
